You’ve been daydreaming

about what giving birth will be like…

You’ve got an idea of who will be there with you,
have thought about how you’re going to cope with the pain,
and envisioned the moment you hold your baby for the first time.


But before you get started, we want to tell you the most common mistake we see people make
when preparing for childbirth:

Only preparing for their ideal experience.


But we also know that while you can certainly influence how your birth unfolds, you ultimately cannot control it.

And for those of us who love to curate life’s most meaningful experiences, that can be hard to swallow.

Your birth experience matters.

And you deserve for it to be beautiful, empowering, and sacred - whether it takes place at home, in a hospital bed, or the O.R.

We’ll show you how.

Our course helps you feel confident navigating the wilds of birth
by giving you the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions,
build a support system that has your back,
and be prepared for all the ways birth can unfold.

‘Liberated’ was not a feeling I was expecting to get from a birthing class. But it’s true - I have a newfound feeling of peace. I plan to listen to my body, navigate decisions using the B.R.A.I.N. tool, and find beauty in the experience, no matter how my son is born.”

— Shauna S.

Grounded in your power.


Power of knowledge

by bringing you the best in perinatal research so you can make informed decisions.

Power of choice

by helping you to make the choices that are right for you and your baby, free of guilt or shame.

Power of the pause

where your decisions aren’t driven by pressure or fear. But made with confidence and peace.

Power of belonging

because you’re part of a community where everybody that births can feel safe and seen.

So grab your birth partner, fill up your water bottle, and step inside the course…

You’ll get

9+ hours of content to learn everything you need to know about childbirth

40+ printable handouts to enhance your learning experience

Online, on-demand viewing to work with your schedule

9 months of access so you can watch (and rewatch) when you’re ready

Easy insurance reimbursement, with a Certificate of Completion

Enhanced Learning

Guidance for your support person, so they feel confident and prepared

Yoga sessions and breath work, to prepare your body for birth

Tools and knowledge to help you make informed decisions

Breastfeeding guidance from a Board Certified Lactation Consultant

A discussion on bias in the birth space to help you navigate challenging situations (that you shouldn’t have to face in the first place)


There’s no shame here.

Only the confidence that you’re doing something so incredible by bringing new life into this world, and you’re worthy of our deepest respect.

  • natural birth

    Pursuing an unmedicated birth?

    You’re in the right place.

    Whether at home or in a birthing center, a birth tub or a hospital bed. We’ll share breathing exercises, labor positions, and mindset preparations that will carry you through.

  • epidural birth

    Looking forward to that epidural support?

    Bring it on.

    We’ll give you the rundown on how to manage the sensations of labor before the epidural is placed, show labor positions you can do with an epidural, and demystify the pushing phase.

  • c-section birth

    Curious about a cesarean birth?

    We’ve got you covered.

    About 1/3 of babies are born via cesarean, and most of those are unplanned. Knowing what to expect allows you to have a beautiful birth experience, even in an operating room.

We strike
an essential balance 

Balance between sharing the best in perinatal research,
and uplifting the wisdom of our bodies.

Balance between placing trust in our care providers,
and taking an active role in making decisions about our care.

Balance between gratitude for the lifesaving power of medicine,
and acknowledging that most births don’t need medical
intervention to be safe.


Dig in to the full course content

The Course

Four core modules to help prepare you for each phase of your journey.

  • Choosing a Care Provider

    Choosing a Support Team

    For Birth Partners

    Preparing a Birth Plan

    Preparing your Birth Space

    Bias in the Birth Space

    The Pelvic Floor & Perineal Massage

    Postures & Exercises with Emily Light

    Breathing Practices with Emily Light

    Labor Positions

    Hands on Comfort Measures

  • Pain & the Brain

    The Hormones of Labor

    The Cervix: dilation, effacement & station

    Pre-Labor Signs & Symptoms

    How Labor Starts

    Early Labor

    Active Labor



  • Consent & Informed Decision Making

    Common Interventions

    Non-Medical Induction

    Medical Induction

    Non-Medical Pain Relief

    Medical Pain Relief

    Epidural Support

    Fast Labor & Surprise Home Birth

    Common Fears During the Pushing Phase

    When Labor Gets Complicated

    Assisted Delivery

    Cesarean Birth

    VBAC & Giving Birth After a Cesarean


  • The Immediate Postpartum & the Golden Hour

    Newborn Procedures

    Breast/Body Feeding your Baby

    The 4th Trimester

    Moving Your Body in the Early Days Postpartum with Emily Light

The Extras

Bonus content that brings you the wrap around support you deserve.

  • Pelvic Floor & Perineal Massage

    Prenatal Yoga

    Breathing Practices

    Laboring Positions

    Hands-on comfort measures

  • Know Your Anatomy

    Nutrition Through the Trimesters

    1st Trimester Symptoms, Remedies, and Body Changes

    2nd Trimester Symptoms, Remedies, and Body Changes

    3rd Trimester Symptoms, Remedies, and Body Changes

  • Parental Leave, Child Care & Financial Changes

    Anticipating the 20 Week Scan

    Preparing Your Home for Baby

    Preparing for Change and Easing Forward

  • Melissa’s first son was born at home, by surprise! Two years later, she gave birth to her second child, who was in breech position, via cesarean. “Giving birth via cesarean was just as exciting and meaningful as my home birth. And I felt like even more of a badass because my body had endured that much more.”


    Janae gave birth to her daughter at a naval hospital, where she had a dedicated black maternal health care team. She shares the challenge of recovering from an episiotomy, and her husband’s battle with postpartum depression. “You have to have that layer of compassion. Not only for yourself and your baby, but also for your partner.”


    Brook begins by sharing the challenging process of deciding whether or not to keep her unplanned pregnancy. She shares her journey of changing care providers late in the second trimester, and giving birth in a birthing center. Her birth story includes footage of her birth. “I was in a completely different world when I was giving birth. Pushing was the best part of it all.”


    Juhi’s labor didn't follow the pattern she and Nafisah had read about, so most of her labor took place at home. She approached her birth preparations with flexibility, which allowed her to be prepared for an unplanned cesarean birth. “As a culture, we don’t do enough to prepare expecting [parents]. Not just the person who’s carrying, but both of us.”


    Zoe gave birth to her first child at a birth center, and her second child at home where she experienced shoulder dystocia while pushing. She shares how her autism spectrum disorder influenced her experiences. Her birth story includes footage of her birth. “It was out of my control, so I just gave in to it. I completely surrendered and let my body tell me what I needed to do.”


    Marie shares her experience of navigating pregnancy after loss. During her labor, she was surprised to find that her coping tools were sufficient in managing the pain, leading to an unplanned unmedicated birth in the hospital. “During the pushing phase, my provider suggested I flip over onto my back. But I just didn’t respond. Being on all fours was working for me, so I just went with how my body was guiding me and kept going.”


    Artimisha and Elle share their journey of finding a care provider that would support and champion them as a queer couple. Artimisha conceived both her pregnancies through IUI, and faced dangerously high blood pressure that led to early inductions. Hear about her experience giving birth to her twins vaginally (one who was breech!) and their subsequent stay in the NICU. “It was heart-wrenching to know our twins would be born so early. So we went into a zen state of mind and started praying.”


Stay for the bonus content.

Save yourself money and the headache of going to five different places to feel half as seen. When you purchase our birthing course, you’ll get access to all the bonus content, leaving you extra-pampered and extra-prepared.


From managing pregnancy symptoms,
to perinatal yoga, and breastfeeding guidance - we’ve thought of everything.

Pregnancy Guides · Symptoms, nutritional needs, and bodychanges - the bonus videos and guides walk you through it all.

Parenthood Prep · Baby gear, parental leave, financial planning and child care - we’ll help you make some of your first parenting decisions.

Prenatal Yoga · Prenatal and postpartum yoga, breath work, and perineal massage to help prepare for and recover from birth.


Enjoy a collection if inspiring birth stories, where the experiences are as diverse as the people sharing them.

From surprise home births to water births,
epidural births to cesarean births.

Learn what they did to prepare,
and how they navigated decision making.

Discover what parts of their birth plan came to fruition,
and what parts veered.

You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll leave knowing that
if they’ve got this, you’ve got this, too.

Childbirth education is essential.

Wildwood Birth brings you the comprehensive childbirth education you need, with the thoughtfulness you deserve.


One-Time Payment
of $179

Research shows that those who take a birthing class experience:

Decreased rates of fear and anxiety leading up to childbirth.

Decreased rates of unnecessary interventions.

Decreased use of pain medication.

Increased likelihood of having a vaginal delivery.

Increased rates of satisfaction with the experience.

Increased participation in decision-making before, during, & after birth.

Now that’s a return on investment!


We guarantee it.

Purchase the course with peace of mind knowing your insurance will help cover the cost. If you’re not 100% satisfied, you have our money-back guarantee. You’ve got 30 days to take in the content, and if it isn’t working for you, let us know. We’ll listen to your feedback, and buy the course back.

You might be wondering…

  • How does health insurance reimbursement work?

    We know, being told to file something with your insurance sends some people running. But we promise - it’s easier than you may think.

    Check out our blog where we outline the 3 simple steps to getting the course for FREE.

  • I'm in my 1st trimester, is it too early to start the course?

    It’s the perfect time! Our pregnancy guides provide support from the moment you find out you’re expecting, all the way to after baby’s arrival. And you can follow our viewing guide just for those joining us in the 1st trimester, so you know what to watch when.

    PLUS you have 9 months of access, and free access renewal for future pregnancies.

  • I may need to give birth by cesarean, will this class still be relevant to me?

    Yes! Cesarean birth is a common experience, and one that requires equal amounts of preparation as a vaginal birth. We even have a viewing guide made just for anyone preparing for a planned cesarean. You’ll also have access to our library of birth stories, where you’ll be able to hear from people who’ve given birth by cesarean before.

    You deserve to feel empowered and prepared for the day you meet your baby, whether they are exiting out the skylight or the front door. :)

  • Do you offer refunds?

    Sure do. We’re confident we’ve created a course that will leave you feeling seen, empowered, even inspired. You can make your investment knowing that if you’re not happy with your experience, you have our money-back guarantee. You’ve got 30 days to take in the content and if it isn’t working for you, reach out and let us know. We’ll hop on a call to find out what we could do better and we’ll buy the course back.

  • How long do I have access?

    Nine months! Plus free renewal for future pregnancies. Just shoot us an email and we’ll reactivate your account.


Have more questions? Drop us a line.