How to get the course for free


Between baby gear, saving up for parental leave, and putting down the deposit at daycare, you’re probably already feeling it. The financial impact of having a child is REAL. We’ve been there, and we get it.

We’re thrilled to provide you this essential resource for at a reduced cost, or even for free!

This is all possible because most health insurance companies now cover the cost of childbirth education, either partially or in full. This is even true for Medicaid and other state-provided health insurance. And look, the research shows that people who prepare by taking a childbirth education course are: 

  • 35% less likely to give birth via cesarean

  • 15% less likely to have other forms of intervention

  • less likely to utilize pain medication

Spoiler alert: all that yields significant cost savings for insurance companies. So it’s no surprise they’d be happy to cover the cost of a childbirth education course to save on six-figure hospital stays later. 

And yet, we wish they’d make it a bit easier for you. Right now, the process requires you to pay for the course out of pocket, and then request reimbursement from your health insurance provider.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown to take the guesswork out of the process.

Step 1: Know your benefits.
Call the number on the back of your insurance card and have them confirm the details of your coverage. This isn’t only for childbirth ed—health insurance plans often cover many other complementary care services that you can utilize throughout your pregnancy and postpartum. They also provide a free breast pump (this one is mandated by law!), so get on that, too! The call is well worth your time to understand and maximize your benefits, and is the perfect opportunity to confirm where you should submit the reimbursement form.

Step 2: Sign up for the course and keep the receipt.
Your insurance company will want proof of payment to know how much to reimburse you for. When you purchase our course, you will receive a digital receipt via email. If you accidentally lose or misplace your receipt, a credit card or bank statement should also suffice. Some insurances will also want proof of attendance. We got you covered. Once you finish the video on Cesarean Birth, you will automatically be emailed a certificate of completion customized with your name and the date you completed the course.

Step 3: Fill out the form.
Each insurance company will vary slightly in what information they ask for. But here is everything you might need from our side to complete it (you can also find this info in the email confirmation once you purchase the course).  

Date of service: *Pick any date that you spent some time watching the course*

Authorized Instructors: Vera Hyatt, ICCE, CD, PCD

Elizabeth Benjamin, CE, CD

Tax ID: 88-2789641

CPT Codes: S9436 - Childbirth Education, non physician

S9442 - Birthing class, non physician

ICD Codes: ICD-10-CM Diagnosis code Z32.2 childbirth education: childbirth instruction

That’s it! Submit the documentation, and look forward to that reimbursement hitting your bank account. 


Complementary Care Providers


The importance of rest in the first trimester